Building Confidence in the Water: Tips for Nervous Beginner Surfers

Building Confidence in the Water: Tips for Nervous Beginner Surfers

Surfing is an incredible experience that blends excitement, nature, and a sense of accomplishment. However, that first step into the water can be a bit intimidating for beginner surfers. It’s natural to feel nervous about learning something new, especially in the ocean, but with the right approach and mindset, you can build your confidence and start enjoying the waves in no time. Here are some tips to help you feel more comfortable and empowered during your surfing journey. 

1. Start with the Right Mindset

Confidence in the water begins with a positive mindset. Instead of focusing on fears or what could go wrong, think about the excitement of trying something new. Remember that everyone starts as a beginner, and the most important thing is to enjoy the process. Each small accomplishment in the water is a step toward becoming a more confident surfer. Embrace the learning curve, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes—it’s all part of the adventure.

2. Choose the Right Surf Spot

Location plays a key role in building confidence. As a beginner, look for a surf spot with gentle waves and a sandy bottom. Playa Venao, Panama, is a great option, as it offers consistent waves that are perfect for learning. Avoid places with large crowds or challenging conditions, and opt for areas where you can practice in a relaxed environment. You’ll find that choosing the right spot can make a huge difference in your overall comfort level. 

3. Take Lessons from a Qualified Instructor

Taking lessons from an experienced surf instructor is one of the best ways to build confidence. They can guide you through the basics, such as paddling techniques, how to stand up on your board, and wave selection, all while keeping safety in mind. At Shokogi, our instructors are experienced in helping beginners of all ages, and they know the ins and outs of surf in Playa Venao, creating a supportive environment for learning. Working with a qualified instructor will give you the skills to progress at your own pace while feeling safe and guided.

4. Choose the Right Equipment

The right surfboard can significantly impact your surfing experience. Beginners should start with a board that offers plenty of buoyancy and stability, like a soft-top surfboard. These boards are more forgiving and easier to balance, making catching waves simpler. At Shokogi, we have a variety of surfboards in Panama available for rent, including our very own Ocean Monkey surfboards, which are perfect for kids and beginners. Designed for durability and performance, Ocean Monkey boards provide the ideal balance of stability and ease, allowing you to focus on improving your skills rather than struggling with the wrong equipment. Proper gear makes a big difference in building your confidence in the water.

5. Get Familiar with the Ocean

Spending time in the water, even when not surfing, can help reduce nervousness. Go for a swim, practice paddling, or simply float in the waves to become more comfortable with the ocean’s movement. The more time you spend in the water, the less intimidating it will feel. Understanding the ebb and flow of waves will also help you feel more confident when it’s time to catch your first ride.

6. Practice Paddling and Pop-Ups on Land

Before heading out into the surf, practicing paddling and pop-ups on the sand can help you feel more prepared. Lie on your board and mimic the paddling motion, then practice your pop-up—going from lying down to standing in one fluid motion. This dry-land training will help you build muscle memory and feel more in control when in the water. The more you prepare on land, the easier to transfer those skills to your actual surfing experience. 

7. Surf with a Buddy or in a Group

Having a friend or joining a surf camp in Panama can make learning much less intimidating. A buddy can offer encouragement, and practicing with others adds a sense of camaraderie that can boost your confidence. At Shokogi’s surf camps, you’ll be part of a group with shared goals, where everyone is there to learn and improve. Knowing that others face similar challenges can make the experience less daunting and more enjoyable. 

8. Learn to Read the Ocean

Understanding the ocean’s behavior is a crucial skill for any surfer. Learning to read waves and know when and where they’ll break can help you catch waves more easily. Spend some time observing the water before you get in. Watch how the waves roll, where they peak, and how other surfers are positioning themselves. This practice will help you stay safe and increase your chances of catching the perfect beginner wave.

9. Celebrate Small Wins

Building confidence doesn’t happen overnight. Celebrate every little achievement, whether it’s standing up for a second longer than last time, paddling out on your own, or simply catching a wave. Every step forward is progress; acknowledging these small victories will motivate you to improve. Remember, even the world’s best surfers were once beginners who fell countless times. It’s all part of the process!

10. Consider Joining a Panama Surfing Camp

 If you’re looking for a structured way to build your surfing confidence, joining a Panama surf camp like those offered at Shokogi can be a game-changer. Camps provide a consistent schedule, daily lessons, and a community of surfers at the same skill level. You’ll have the opportunity to practice regularly, get personalized feedback, and immerse yourself in the surfing lifestyle. This supportive environment can make all the difference in gaining the confidence to tackle bigger waves.


Surfing is not just about catching waves—it’s about learning to enjoy the ocean and building confidence along the way. Remember to take it one step at a time, surround yourself with supportive instructors and friends, and most importantly, have fun. As you put these tips into practice, you’ll soon find that what once felt intimidating becomes a source of joy and excitement.

Whether you’re looking for surf lessons, surfboards, or surf camps, Shokogi is here to help you take your first steps toward becoming a confident surfer.

Ready to start your surfing journeyBook a surf lesson or surf camp with Shokogi today and discover the thrill of riding the waves in beautiful Playa Venao, Panama.